Featured Characters

Below are some images I believe encapsulate the essence of humans, I share a little information into my ideas behind capturing the images and what I believe makes them unique.


As I began to experiment with vectors more and more and found unique ways to compose images that bring the viewers attention to unique details in the frame. This image to the right perfectly guided the eye to the subject while also ‘protecting’ a portion of the frame from the eye and creating a sense of mystery to the image.

Subject Gaze

I have been taken a turn within my portraits and street photography to focus on subject gaze. This image stands out to me due to the complex contrast between the parents gaze and the child’s. A combination on candid photography and portraiture form a cohesive, yet complex image.

Capturing Motion.

I’ve been experimenting with some extended exposures in unique situations, with attempts to form engaging imagery. This image captures four men playing handball on their lunch break from work. The combination of the buttoned shirts and sleek shoes with the erratic motion is what makes this image for me.


Nature Photography